題目在此 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
給定兩個 Sorting 過的數列,請合併後計算出 中位數
沒什麼特別的,就是合併之後計算 中位數
有一個小技巧是只需要合併到計算 中位數 需要的長度即可
Time complexity: O(n)
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| class Solution: def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> float: merged_array = [] merged_length = len(nums1) + len(nums2) median_index = int((merged_length) / 2 ) while len(merged_array) <= median_index: if nums1 and nums2: if nums1[0] < nums2[0]: current_num = nums1.pop(0) else: current_num = nums2.pop(0) elif nums1: current_num = nums1.pop(0) else: current_num = nums2.pop(0) merged_array.append(current_num) if merged_length % 2 == 1: return merged_array[median_index]
value_0 = merged_array[median_index] value_1 = merged_array[median_index - 1] return (value_0 + value_1) / 2